It’s July. My favourite month. Birthdays and wedding anniversary are coming up. Milestones worth to celebrate and just being simply together is enough, despite what’s going on with the world today. Because when all these challenging times are over, better days always come in God’s time. Praying we never lose hope in that, no matter how heavy or low the days may seem sometimes and without wavering, may we will always find strength in this journey we all are fighting. 🙏

Meanwhile, sharing another wedding to look back to before #covid19 — from Brad & Stephanie’s autumn wedding. I love being part of this wedding so much. It was as memorable as it could be— when finally meeting Stephanie in person for the first time during the day of their wedding, but I’ve felt we’ve known longer, knowing we’ve been chatting long leading to the months before their wedding that happened in this very charming & rustic cafe at @settlersmulgoa And also honored meeting their family (I especially enjoyed chatting with Brad’s Mom coz I fell soo in love with their country-charmed-home!) The rest of their cheerful friends and family has made it even a big joy to photograph their wedding that I didn’t feel like a stranger at all.

How charming is this cabin where Stephanie did her morning preparations and make up. 
You’re so beautiful here Steph.

And soooo in love with this moment shared with your little darling.

Stephanie’s lovely and fab tribe.

Grandma and Grandpa’s moments.


Daddy’s little girl, always.

What a fun bunch of guys these are. Enjoyed a few minutes with them while I was taking some photos at Brad’s parent’s home.

Shout out again to Brad’s awesome Mom. 🙂 

How cool is that vintage truck. 

Some images before and after this have been purposedly hidden for certain privacy issues. HAHAHA you guys were too fun!!!


The little lovely details. 

Father and son showdown!!!

Crazy rockstars!!!
As soon as a wedding day ended, I obviously got too tired physically but these images always compensate more than that and keeps my heart full to the brim.



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