Helloooo Internet….I’m back again creeping in to update my blog…slowly as usual…I know you’ll all forgive me because after all being pregnant (can you believe I’m onto my 25th week now???) gets in the way of things.

One of the few more backlogs I still needed to post is this fun esession I had with Sam & Kathy back in December 2011 (note again: back when I still had no idea that I was probably 2-3 weeks preggo hehe). It was raining that day  of the shoot but we still had fun under the drizzles.  They were actually referred to me by a previous client/friend Ron & Rachelle and just got happily married just last January 2012.

Congratulations again Sam & Kathy! Wishing you always all the grand things to come your way! =)

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June 4, 2012
Bravo, Josephine ! You´re good !!

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