Live passionately everyday,
with morning kisses you can’t get enough of,
Wake up without any alarm to buzz off,
Then look forward for late-night-belly-laughs while watching another episode of big bang theory.

Talk to the sky on random days,
Or just sing your heart out in the shower,
Some days you stare intently at something, you’re thoughts marvel endlessly
Next thing ya know you’re packing your bags for that next long awaited trip.

Rainy days make you either go out and dance or just roll out happily in bed.
And then sometimes it just happens…
You listen to songs that drown you back to a happy or sad memory,
You know it tears you apart but you listen anyway…then you move on.

Other days you still worry if things could work out or not,
Then you hold on tight to those dreams that keep you awake,
Because life’s moments are too profound —
You strive once more to live yet another day.

Saw this sculpture inside Singapore Botanical Gardens.
How cute that it almost resembles my logo, huh?

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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June 9, 2011
ganahan pud kaayo ko ug big bang theory. love each character.
    Ahahaha apir chi!!! cant get enough of big bang gyud! :P

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