My 2020 started with this lovely wedding from January. Keelin sent me a message that they already got married in Ireland last August and was only looking to host an intimate celebration too with their friends in Australia who didn’t make it to Ireland. Glad Keelin found me! This might have been my shortest wedding event coverage but felt all the same genuine happiness and love like any other weddings I’ve covered before, big or small.

I surely miss going out to places and documenting stories like Keelin & Lindsay’s. But with what seems to be our new ‘normal’ now due to #Covid19 situation around the world, everything has taken a certain halt and different twists and turns to everyone. Hope you all are coping the best way you can. I’ve been embracing life in the slower lane and staying home mostly with my family too, as we all do our part in flattening the curve here in Australia.

Sharing some images to hopefully bring you a delightful mood and take a little break from reading sad news in our feeds. Stay safe wherever you are!


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