i had to keep reminding myself this wasn’t a quick family vacation trip. because it sure does feel all surreal. And just like that…with all of God’s grace, we’re finally here!
Hello, Sydney!
Grateful for all our families and friends’ support and prayers. Sorry we didn’t have enough time to meet up more friends in Singapore and Cebu before we left..but no goodbyes, we shall see you around again! Looking fwd now to build our new adventures here in Australia!
here are some photos I managed to take so far…
us and about 120kg checked in luggages at SG airport…
Thanks to my brother and her girlfriend for sending us off.
we safely arrived last June 27th in Sydney in a beautiful sunny winter’s day. Everything went smoothly thru the immigration checkpoint. i only worried about my iMac that we checked in thru the flight. it was a big relief to see it all in tact and functional. as soon as we were out of the immigration, Brian lined up at Optus to get our own simcards. and lucky lucky us, we were fetched from the airport by a friend whom we already met in Singapore. big shout out to the Soronio family! and sending thank yous too to Mejias and Ostrea family for the welcome dinner! 🙂
we settled in fast at a temporary place for now here in Sydney and loving this really shabby happy rustic kind of home which i luckily found,too thru airbnb whose main tenant are such really lovely hippy Italian couple. we’re only here for a month though, after that we will move to another friend’s house or hopefully get lucky again and find a permanent place of our own. meanwhile, this is where we are waking up for the whole winter days of July.
Pixie had been fondly saying ‘Mama, it’s too cold!” but with a gleaming face while squeezing her cheeks telling me how much she’s enjoying the different weather so far. I’m working out my own adjustments to the weather too because it gets too cold at night but loving every bit of it anyway (as long as it doesnt go down to zero). Still looking forward to get to the nearest beach soon too! (not daring to dip yet of course unless i want to freeze myself in an instant)
enjoying breakfast at the little backyard…i can get used to this!
we managed to walk around the city yesterday afternoon after a visit to the bank. i intended to catch a famous sunset by the harbour but we ran out of time so i guess it can wait another day.
“Where do you live now Pixie?”..and she screams, “Sydney!!!” 🙂
Will try to catch up again with blogging in the next weeks while the husband is still looking for a new permanent job and while i re-establish my network in photography,too (and maybe find a part-time job)! We’re taking it one day at a time here as we build our lives in a new country we’re now calling ‘home’..so far, blessed and too grateful enough for the fact that we actually made it here! 🙂
Spreadin’ love! Happy Tuesday!
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