i just realized i’ve never taken that many sunset portraits yet coming from Singapore before…but now that Im here in #Australia, it is seemingly overwhelming to finally capture what Iv always dreamed of documenting and i can’t contain that feeling of being able to marvel of what’s more to come my way…
another preview from last weekend at the @BlueMountainsAustralia where it actually rained after we did this shoot.
That glorious light?! best viewed full screen and on my homepage now…
so how do you get over from this?! ☺️
so much pawlove in between and this was my first couple who brought along their 2 basset hounds in the glorious #BlueMountains ❤️
it was mostly cloudy & overcast towards sunset but when the sun decided to peek out a bit, i knew this day was bound to end beautifully
at first we got lost finding our way in the bushes and rough road leading to the “look out” ..secretly I prayed there’s enough time to create images I have envisioned even if it wasnt the sunset light I expected due to the cloudy overcast weather…in the end, i let the rest just flow and captured what my heart could…
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