2016-01-03_0106I intended to post that obligatory ‘2015 Year in Review’ before it struck 2016 but then again, I got swallowed up by the current of errands and priorities. So just about 3 days late anyway, I took the time to sit down today to look back at some of the beautiful memories I’m truly grateful for that highlighted my 2015. Not all were captured in my camera (I wish I did!) but those were as meaningful and never forgotten at all.

To everyone that I’ve worked with (and will work with in the future), families, couples and friends, if there was a way to just personally hug everyone I really would, rather than just post in social media but nevertheless, I hope you all know that you make my heart full and I’m always indebted to you for believing, trusting, loving and supporting my craft.

My greatest dreams will remain the same – “just being a dedicated happy wife to Brian, a full time happy Mama to my future children and alongside that is my growing passion into photography.” And this 2016, I have the grand vision to be more brave, more creative and more appreciative of the present. And apart from a new exciting dream to learn woodworking this year, too (yes, i meant carpentry and i’ll tell you more about it on another post), I hardly can imagine doing something else to be passionate about in this lifetime. Being a full time Mama is the greatest blessing I’ve become while photography is what gives me that big leap in a heartbeat every time I’m out there shooting.

It’s been 6 months since we moved to Australia, can you believe it? And new challenges came along the way but more things to be grateful for, too. Always.

Looking back at these photos made me understand more how we don’t get the same moments in life. Life sure can get any tougher any day if you let it so hope we all continue to find the good, the joy and wonder in whatever comes our way.

Happiest 2016 to All!




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[…] them goes unnoticed even. but i want to change that again because this new year i did intend to be more brave, more creative and more present, so this is me attempting to write to you. some i won’t have to post publicly and just keep […]

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