
“Our photo shoot photos are simply amazing!  I didn’t realise we could look so good!(not sure what you did to achieve it,  but thanks!) A heartfelt THANK YOU  for allowing us to have such a beautiful experience as a family.  It’s exactly what we wanted to achieve.” – Adriana 

Adriana sent me that heart-warming reply after I gave her the link to the gallery of their family photos but I always say that I’m the one more than thankful really. I have nothing but only amazing things to say about how lucky I am to have known this beautiful and very very kind family. Peter & Adriana were thankfully referred to me though the beautiful Mirabile family. Adriana then called me up to inquire further about my services and we met up soon after that in their very lovely home to discuss everything from location to the timeline.

On the day we scheduled the shoot, we started comfortably at their home of course, opened up a bottle of wine (or was it champagne?) and while we enjoyed exchanging conversations, I happily took photos in between. We then headed outdoors to explore the park and wrapped up the afternoon for a sunset by the beach. Everything from the weather aligned perfectly for us. Joseph and Matthew were incredibly natural in the camera, too. I can only imagine how extremely proud Peter and Adriana to have raised such wonderful boys that reflect their beautiful Italian genes altogether.

The shoot ended but that nice warm feeling lingered on, so much privileged to have documented the Famularo family, I swear, on another lifetime, I might have taken up Peter’s offer to adopt me in their family. 🙂



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April 2, 2016
What amazing photos of such a beautiful family! You have done an incredible job capturing such special family moments.

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