“I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide.
And everywhere I went, the world was on my side.”
— Roman Payne

It’s a sultry Tuesday afternoon. Really perfect to be by the beach while finishing a book except I’m nowhere near but the bed, so I took a short nap. Too short I woke up with thoughts racing my head again. I’m just going to say it out loud then — I’m turning thiiiiiiiirty one. That should be in bold capital letters. T-H-I-R-T-Y-O-N-E. Haha. Yes, 31. Next month. Unbelievable. It feels like I just turned 20-ish. And next thing I asked myself was — what great thing have I done in this world then? I stared at the keyboard and realized I missed my lunch today. Oops again. I only had bacon and toasted bread with smoked salmon cream cheese *yum* this morning and writing on an empty stomach now is probably not a good idea. Or wait, I’m going off the subject, am I?

Back to that question. Well, one way or another, I like to believe I have done something great, at least in my own simple ways and although I feel that I wish I could have done more before reaching at this age, I love to take it as a greater challenge every year to hammer my way and make a difference, no matter how small.  I don’t have a big house or a really fat bank account or whatnot. But I feel more fulfilled because I’ve traveled, captured stories and marveled more at life, more than anything else. *grin*

And I don’t feel like stopping any sooner. Not at all.

The world awaits and I’m glad it’s on my side.

Happy Tuesday everyone! =)

Photo above taken in Shizouka, Japan April 2011.

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June 21, 2011
you have expensive cameras, remember? hahaha :P seriously though, 31 is not a bad age :P you still have all the time in the world to do all the things you want to achieve. your photography journey is such a BIG accomplishment already for someone who started with a second hand d40 or lumix ba to :P matud pa ni Beyonce, Who run the world? GIRLS daw! har har :P proud of you BFF. char! :))
    June 22, 2011
    @Yvonne: Awww...like how we chatted, hugging you back. Thanks for the undying support.char! didnt think 31 is a bad age too...ya know how i get all dramatic if my birthday is approaching every year hehe. Beyonce is sooo RIGHT! haha we'll run this world! apirrrr! xo
June 21, 2011
that's nice. makes me think too. maybe i should get a cessna amphibian instead of a house. :D
    June 22, 2011
    @Kliyu: hello...and wow! why not! go and consider getting that cessna amhibian...dont forget to invite me for a ride pls! *wink*
June 24, 2011
hi josephine! the picture is really very lovely! :D i'll be reading more of your posts! :D

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