Adelaide had such wonderful charms not all are expected to find including myself when I travelled there again for the 2nd time last November. I didn’t think there was more to discover there at first but I was proven wrong. I was only there for the weekend and wished I could have stayed longer to explore more especially the countryside.

From Sydney, I arrived only less than 2hrs flight to Adelaide airport and was greeted with the warmest smiles from Konrad & Johanna, who both have been very sweet and kind to me. We quickly got comfortable with each other and they showed me around town where I took photos of them in between. It was quite sunny so I didn’t think it would rain suddenly only just an hour after. It poured hard in fact and so we had to find shelter nearby. And to everyone’s surprise, we heard crackling noises on the roof and seconds later, pellets of ice fell down from the sky. It was my first time to witness hailstorm and was truly amazed how it all happened too quickly. We were all safe and just stayed as dry as possible where we were. It took probably about 20minutes and just like that, it all stopped and the clouds cleared out like nothing happened. What an erratic weather it was! Adelaide apparently is known for it!

But despite all that, I fell in love at the eclectic, charming and laid-back vibe while walking around Rundle street. It tugged strings to my heart I considered moving to Adelaide in my thoughts or at least that’s become a future option. When we were done in the city area, we hurriedly drove down to Glenelg Beach to hopefully catch a sunset. Thanks to Konrad’s driving skills, we managed to get there on the brink of time. It was all as magical as I remembered it the last time, seeing the fleeting beauty of the sun setting in the horizon and the sky showing spectacles of color before it was all over. After I stopped taking photos of Konrad & Johanna, I was caught up even for brief moment, staring at what’s left of the awe-inspiring sunset and kept looking back as we headed back to the car park — with my adrenaline still high, my heart full and just felt life became a little better.


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January 18, 2017
I especially love the last part of this shoot tweeen. Fun, just pure fun!

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