“We are all mesmerized by your beauty and happy disposition even at a very young age. I love your soul and everything that comes in it. You bring a magical feeling of happiness to me, my little sprite… ALWAYS.”
– Mommy Jeandy

Those were the delightful words from dear friend and Baby Indigo’s proud mommy, Jeandy. I supposed you should remember Jeandy when I took her portraits , their wedding anniversary photos with Daddy Niño, and her baby bump photos. *wink*

And about 6 months ago, you should remember too that I took my first photos of the Blueberry Girl. Now my favorite playdate in this apartment we live in together here in Singapore just turned 1.

“She loves music, animals, broccoli and books but hates bath time and farting.”, says Mommy Jeandy. Hahah

Meet again, the Blueberry Girl.

While in California last month, I got so excited when I saw those pink booties — I don’t think there were indigo colors though — so I picked those for her as our bday gift. I wish she doesn’t grow up too fast yet but at the same time looking forward how she’ll turn into one fine beautiful soul just like her Mommy and Daddy.

Someone’s going places soon and will hopefully travel the world. =)

 You little adorable you, know that you inspire me too.
And yes, I’ll never grow tired of taking photos of you. Hehe

We all love you so so much!!!
Happy birthday Baby Indigo!

Happy Friday!!!

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August 26, 2011
Awww... thank you so much Tita Jhoe, I can't thank you enough. You and your talent has been a big part of not just Indigo's milestone but our lives too. xoxo
August 26, 2011
homaygadizzzjustthecutestttlitolthinnngggg!!!! and she looks like she loves the pink booties!
    August 31, 2011
    @Fozzy: wehehe hug back! thanks again Foz! x
August 26, 2011
August 27, 2011
Adorable shots ! of an adorable little person !
    August 31, 2011
    @Ella: thanks dear! ;p

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