hello Singapore! we’re back in town just last Friday and I’ve been swamped right away with lotsa checklists on my head — deadlines to meet with my edits and on top of that is me currently scrambling our stuff before our big move to Australia in June. Barely 5 months left I supposed if things go smoothly.

decluttering is surely a daunting task! i found myself staring at every corner in our room since we arrived and felt paralysed at what to do first actually. oh dear, i’ve imagined some heartbreaking scenes and long debates with the husband at the thought of leaving some things behind knowing how attached i am even to the littlest of things.

meanwhile, behind the scene after last Saturday’s shoot, i tagged along Pixie and she just naturally took over my job. Haha!

Happy Wednesday!


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flor Baquiran
February 4, 2015
Dearest Josephine, Welcome back dear! I have been a silent follower for quite sometime now and I would like to tell you that I am happy for you when I learned that you are migrating to Australia this year (my family and I are also taking the chance and counting the days to next year, hopefully, we'll see each other somewhere there

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