2015-11-11_0003so it seemed that these wild yellow flowers just all popped out in the backyard suddenly…i planned to mow today but they all seem pretty and besides, Pixie at 38 months old, has grown passionate in discovering lots of things including the busy working bees buzzing around the backyard so might as well teach Pixie more about Bees too and expose her to their importance in the eco-system life cycle.

that’s how we sort of homeschool these days. we just naturally and playfully learn together, anytime anywhere. yesterday, while walking to the supermarket, i asked Pixie, where is your school? she happily replied, “My house is like a school.” That’s what I taught her too. And who is your teacher? “Mama is my teacher!” But I told her, too that everyone can be her teacher — the trees, the sky, the birds, and the rest of the world around her. Most days I feel fulfilled and grateful that I can mother like this — and see her grow with a wild spirit and cheerful heart. It’s the most enduring job especially when meltdowns and chaos get in the picture but definitely, more than anything, mothering to Pixie has given me an incomparable grand sense of happiness.

today is another day to embrace that.

2015-11-11_0002oh how she loves finding lady-bugs.
2015-11-11_00042015-11-11_0005“Mama, these are for you!”
2015-11-11_0007Trying to take pictures of the bees, too..
2015-11-11_00082015-11-11_0010“Mama, I take picture of you!”2015-11-11_00112015-11-11_00122015-11-11_00132015-11-11_00142015-11-11_00152015-11-11_0016And before we head back indoors, this happens…melts my heart endlessly.2015-11-11_0017

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