Some parts of Aira’s first chat message to me went like this:

“Hi Josephine, you don’t have any idea how excited I am to have found you and find out that you are actually based here in Sydney! Probably it’s meant to be!”

It made me feel more grateful that she sent through that message after finding out about me through another common friend Henrik. A lot of chat exchanges after, we met, had dinner and got to know a few more about each other. My most favorite is knowing how inspiring their love story has turned out since they met. We then went on a roadtrip too to the Blue Mountains and had the loveliest fun time. See more of the autumn & sunset adventure here. And with the rest of the wedding planning, Aira got inspired with how I do paperless for signing of our agreement too that she decided to also do “paperless wedding invitation”.

Fast forward to their wedding day and everything fell into place for Bob & Aira, ending the wedding dinner and party at one of the charming places at the Boat House Shelly Beach Manly. Nothing could have been more perfect than being simply surrounded with their dearest family and friends, celebrating so much love and cheer between them. And oh, before i forget to mention, another highlight of their wedding party was the very talented violinist Vasiliy Shapkin, who totally rock the whole night! if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, he did an amazing piece! Google and you’ll know why. 🙂

Thanks again Bob & Aira for having me around capturing memories for you to last hopefully a lifetime. x

Main Photographer: Josephine Sicad Photography | 2nd shooter: Jon Castillo | Videography: Redwood Productions | Bridal Gown: Leo Salinas | Suit: Peter Jackson | Church: Church of Christ Canterbury Locale | Reception: The Boathouse Shelly Beach | Hair & Make up:  Ang’z Latosa Sonza | Flowers: Tea by Lady Lyn | Violinist: Vasiliy Shapkin | AV: Sydney PA hire | Cake: Jean Cabides

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