Some people wrap their Christmas gifts way too early, like maybe 6 months or way too early ahead. Seriously, who still does that? I salute you! I actually love that idea and have always wanted to do such feat but for the record, it’s never happen to me yet. I’ve found myself always always always panicking in the end. So yes, I’ve been a loyal member of the Christmas Rush Bandwagon Club. For the passed years, I’ve found myself shopping the last minute, even on Christmas Eve, until the shopping malls announce that they’re about to close. For this year, if you ever see me around still lining up at a counter, well then go ahead and give me a high five. 🙂 That’s just the way I roll no matter how the husband complains about it. Yearly. I keep telling myself, ‘Maybe next year, I’ll prepare ahead. Or maybe not. Santa knows.’ 😛

So anyway, for anyone on a rush now, this is a quick shout out! I’m offering gift vouchers if you wish to give the gift of photography this Christmas. *wink*. A previous client actually gave me the idea when she asked me that she’s planning to give family portraits package to a friend using my photography services. So, I thought, oh that sounds amazing. If it’s another way of spreading love,too, then why not?!

Email for more details and ranges of gift vouchers you can purchase as gifts to your dear friends and loved ones. Below is a sample voucher. Promise, I’ll tie a pretty lace along with it. =)

On a random note, I reposted below what I thought was meaningful enough on my Facebook status sometime early November. Feel free to repost. 🙂

Dear Santa,

I don’t want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life — some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they’re my friends.

At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure to be able to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace and love for everyone! Now, let’s see how many people re-post this…. (i just did!) ♥


Happy Thursday!

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