How did you spend Valentine’s Day? In whatever way anyway, hope you had a good one. I’m honestly no fan of celebrating Vdays especially the consumerism-side of it all (even warned the husband no need to buy me flowers and save it for something more special we have already planned this year) but hey, like any other days, it was a day I’m grateful for.

Now, moving on….what I’m really really looking forward to next is the magical days of Autumn. And so sharing finally these images from Darwin & Beth’s autumn engagement session before this new autumn season comes back again soon.

I actually sent Beth a screenshot of a lovely FB comment she posted 10yrs ago on one of my old photos back when I was still starting out with my photography. Who would have thought many years later I’d take photos of her very own wedding just last year?! 🙂

(I shall find that time to put up the full post from their wedding very soon, too.)

It was around May last year that we drove altogether for about 1.5hrs drive up to Mt. Wilson in the Blue Mountains.  It’s always around this month when autumn season is at it’s peak where you see bigger crowds also frolicking under the colorful trees. So being a photographer, it actually becomes a challenge finding a better spot to frame images. But hey, it was worth the drive always and I won’t mind taking turns under these trees with the crowd.

I’m glad Darwin & Beth felt naturally comfortable infront of my camera and I really was just there hanging out with them, enjoying each other, while I’m holding my camera and capturing what naturally unfolded between these two — pretty much in love.

After visiting a garden in Mt Wilson, we drove to another location to view a lovely sunset. We almost missed it but lucky we wrapped up the day cozying with a wonderful golden light.

I never ever, ever, get tired of this view.

There’s always that one shot out the many favorites that I take during this session and I think I’m picking this one that tugs into my heart straight away.

Or I could be lying. This one is a favorite pick too. 🙂

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