We kicked off this week exploring a short trail just about 30mins drive from home. I’ve heard of Lobster’s beach but never had a chance to go until last Monday (and Tuesday! yep, we came back twice this week!) It was about 15mins trail but a mix of steep uphill track and downhill you surely need to catch your breath at some point before you’re rewarded with the secluded picturesque ocean views and all you needed to do was to take in the whole serenity.

Pixie enjoyed the challenge of climbing up and down the steps and identifying some native trees and wildflowers we saw along the way. Definitely adding to our favorites now! We regretted not bringing swimmers the first time we got there so we came back the next day to brave and take a winter dip. You can imagine how freezing cold the water was of course! We look forward to many spring and summer adventures here soon! 🙂

The entry way going up …sadly no dogs allowed so our dog Coco was left home with Brian.

The uphill battle starts here 🙂

Marvelling at these amazing trees…

Yeyyy, downhill finally…and ocean views awaits!!!

*my hand in my heart* 

Took my breath away, literally!!!

Build forts, sand play, nature journalling and brought a favorite book by Julia Rothman.

We went back to where we parked and found these different kind of sunflowers at the foot of the track.

We stopped by at Killcare Wharf to wait for the sunset.

Quick selfie, timer shot. 🙂

So much to be grateful for.

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