Here’s a true story. I’m typing on one hand now and on my right arm is Pixie breastfeeding sleeping. I think it’s called multi-tasking but to a different level. Oh, motherhood, that’s what it is like. Making me learn new super powers ever since.

And I’ve been fired up with much inspiration lately that it had actually changed the way I look forward to shooting weddings now. It’s always scary for me to shoot but at the same time exciting. That changed since I was led back to Jonas Peterson‘s blog (thanks a lot to my dear friend Jeff). How Jonas shoots weddings (as most of all his fans know) is utterly remarkable, you have to see it for yourself. Really. I once knew of Jonas in 2009 but lost my way in following his work. I actually feel a bit sad why did it took too long for me to find him again? But maybe it was meant to be. After digging through his blog, it felt like I was reading through a really really REALLY great book I wished it never had to end. I laughed reading some. Then I cried. And cried some more. I walked away feeling so renewed. It does still feel scary to shoot weddings but it’s more exhilarating now that I wished I’ll be shooting more weddings soon. I realised that shooting weddings can give me the chance to capture moments that maybe no one else can. I wanna be that kind of person. And be better at shooting from the heart and capture stories, full of life and love, the way I see them as they actually unfold.

So here I am, currently still working some pile of edits (i had to really post a big bold list on a wall infront me to keep me on track)…I thought I’d slip another preview before I blog the whole loveliness of this wedding soon.


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June 5, 2014
Bow! I like the title. It sums up everything for me. I'm happy to be around Tween. Really, I am. Let's shoot together again sometime soon. Shall we?
Anbern Rodis Guarrine
June 17, 2014
<3 your pics, Jhoe!

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