Oh Hello! How’s your New Year??! Hope you all had a wonderful start! 🌈

I’ve been a little unplugged or sort of…savoured the Xmas breaktime a LOT…and i feel exhilarated for the new projects shaping up the year ahead, more stories to document, more places to explore …yet to be honest a part of me is still not totally in the right headspace for 2018..or probably just rephrasing the remaining lazy days into “living it slow” as I could (before Brian is back to office) and savouring every bit of time where I can still put up my legs (while Im typing these thoughts) and not get caught up back in the fast lane of life’s realities ..

I wanted to write more again really and post more soon in the blog, coz i sure do have many more images that need to see the light of day—- including this set of Jason & Jaime who’ve been an instant inspiration!!

So 2017, a Big Thank You again! You’ve been a fulfilling year! Here’s to embracing more of Life this 2018 with always a braver heart and unwavering faith! ❤️

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