Hey hey — if anyone’s still reading my blog — I’m still here. And just got back from a 10-day trip to Singapore again. (That’ll have to be another post though). The truth is, I’ve been ignoring the blogsite for many many days? weeks? months now?  I do miss being able to share more thoughts in my blog like I used to do. But hey, I love my job as far as just capturing stories with my camera and shooting clients but the blogging part can eat up precious time and has been remarkably challenging. On the positive side though, this meant I had more time spent on other priorities – homeschooling and doing life as it happens. And social media sure has definitely skyrocketed to a different level these days and I didn’t want to be feeling drown just to keep up with it.

This is my reality now and it’s all good. I’m okay not keeping up with the internet anymore. At least not entirely. Life’s getting shorter and I really rather not sit on my desk longer than I should (because how can I?) when, for example, you have a daughter who needs your attention and you feel guilty afterwards for saying “No, sorry I can’t play with you yet. Mama needs to finish some work.”

But yey for a day like today, I found a little precious time to put together favorite images from a previous engagement session with Joseph & Ingrid. Scroll down and enjoy! x

The Grounds of Alexandria is always a favorite spot to visit and take non-stop photos in every corner.

Meet the pretty Ingrid. My lovely bride last June’s wedding (sharing their wedding photos soon!) Meet Joseph. So much cool factor, this guy. 🙂
Bit windy that day but we enjoyed it despite of.
I love documenting those real belly laughs. Ingrid sure had more than a reason to laugh her heart out being with Joseph.

Sydney Harbour, always a beautiful sight no matter what the weather is.

Not quite done yet. We have another set of photos done with Joseph & Ingrid and I decided to put it up on another post later. Will post update soon. x

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