“Maayong Pasko!!!’ —it’s how you say, “Merry Christmas’ in our hometown dialect. I’m currently out of Sydney and staying in Cebu (Philippines) for about 6 weeks to spend much needed family time with my parents, siblings, in-laws and friends.

Beyond grateful that we are here again (after 10 years not spending Christmas here)  and for the first time, Pixie is able to spend Christmas, the Filipino way.

This year , I also encouraged my family that we didn’t aim to put wrapped gifts under our little Christmas tree (except a few for Pixie) to hopefully waste lesser on material things and instead focus on how we can add more value to our time together, have more meals together, go on trips together and enjoy mostly what little time we have again left before we go back to Sydney again, while my sister (based in Canada) and my brother (based in Singapore) flies back soon too.

Sharing a few photos I managed to take on our simple Christmas eve celebration at home… not a complete photo yet (the Lolo “grandpa” already slept even before Christmas eve haha)

Pixie’s first Filipino Christmas celebration.

The strongest pillar of our home, my dear Mama Lucing.

Best Christmas gift seeing images like this.

Dear sister, Joan, came home after 8years of living away in Canada.

our youngest brother, who isnt little anymore at all haha, bonding closely with Pixie.

My Mama already looking sleepy haha

From my family to yours, Hope you all had a merry and meaningful Christmas with your dear ones.


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