“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures that we can have
if only we seek them with our eyes open.”
-J. Nehru

If I could, I’d love to spend life in endless sunshine and wake up everyday greeted with such divine mountain views that burns in your memory forever. It kinda felt like that when I had the chance to go up and discover more places in the Blue Mountains a few weekends ago. That must me the kind of magic that lay in the sheer beauty of it all and only some of us are lucky enough to ever experience it deeply.

We had this shoot postponed twice due to rainy weather conditions but when finally we got a better forecast, we were in for some frosty treat when we discovered there were still some few patches of snow left in some areas from a snowfall the day before we drove up. I was still nursing a cold myself that week, too but that didn’t stop me from braving a little adventure.  You see — these kind of things motivate me, gives me the natural high and feed my creativity.

It felt home quite easily hanging out with Moses & Jhunette during that winter cold sunshiny day. Jhunette, a Marriage celebrant in Sydney, is Filipina too like me but grew up living most of her life in Australia, who then met Moses, who is originally from Kenya. Both did grow up in different cultures but shared the same love that sure knows no bounds. Their love story inspires and I’m more than glad i get to document some memories for them together! 🙂

A little note before you scroll down. I used to be incredibly scared with heights, I still am actually but being up there in the midst of the massive mountains changes you in a way. And yes, we took these photos with utmost safety precautions. it may look scary on some but specific camera angles can be deceiving sometimes.. and it was a not windy day so we all felt safe from where we all stood. 🙂


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And then there was snow … 🙂
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July 16, 2016
Take us there soon Tweeen ha :) You sound so serious with the writing. It almost made me forgot #jspmoments :) Hahahaha. And yes, some angles look scary. I would not dare.

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