“Nature teaches us simplicity and contentment, because in its presence we realize we need very little to be happy.” -M.C.

Homeschooling Pixie since we arrived here in Sydney (almost 2 yrs soon) has always involved nature play as often as we possibly can on a daily or weekly basis. We’d bike to our favorite parks, lake and playground spontaneously or meet up with friends or just go by ourselves or as simple as backyard play is great enough.

Sometime in April, we had this lovely experience, an easy family friendly bush walking, exploring little creeks, finding insects and little wildlife things — with a group of local Mamas in my neighborhood, organized by an amazing Mama herself, Kellie, one of the admins behind Parraparents blogsite which is full of local information and guide in the Parramatta District where we currently live now. Thankful again to Kellie for tagging us along.

These are the kind of adventures I dream for Pixie to grow up with in her childhood and I really look forward to more of these things that immerses a child more to natural learning.

“Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy and eventually into sustainable patterns of living.”

That’s very very true and enlightening.

Before these photos get buried deep down in my folders, sharing a few I managed to take during the nature walk. Must plan another bush walk soon before it gets too wintery cold.

Pixie with her $4 red backpack, whose name we DIYed together and simply stitched thru.

Little wild explorer…
We found Hunter’s Creek and thankfully didn’t get lost 🙂

Anthills everywhere…

My little leader… mighty proud and amused how Pixie acted up like a leader , tryin to make sure no kids left behind. 🙂

Crossing the creek by herself and not asking for my help anymore…

I wonder what they were discussing? sometimes it’s so touching to see these kind of moments uninterrupted and naturally happening.

The lovely Kellie with her 2 amazing adorable adventurers!

#letthekidsplay #bewildandfree 🙂

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