I have these images ready to share for Sean & Lina just within a week after their oh so beautiful wedding day — I wanted to put these up right away too in the blog but motherhood duties and homeschooling got in my way.

More than grateful to be reliving these fond memories I’m left with not enough words to describe it all. Sean & Lina were just simply surrounded with a few of their dearest family and friends, pretty full of sunshine and genuine love. Thanks for having me around to document every bit of it!

Now barely almost 3 weeks after, I’m able to let you take a glimpse of how their wedding day unfolded…hope these images speak more for themselves.

Wedding venue: @somerleys.weddings  | Celebrant: @beccelebrant  | Styling: @eventsbygrey | Florist: @mali.flores | Make Up: jessica bartley | Hair: bianca lee

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