I’m going over my emails and there’s about 300++ of mix of business, personal or subscription emails I need to either mark READ (if I ever read it fully) or DELETE or kept UNREAD till I get the time to sit on it. In 2017 last year, I’ve actually managed to cut back my subscription emails especially unsubscribing from online shops that kept me distracted EVERY SINGLE TIME. total guilt. 🙂 Then at some point, life happens too fast all over again — and emails are bound to pile up. How do you handle your emails? Would love to hear it.

Today I got a little time to sit on my desktop  while laundry’s spinning (before lunchtime preparation steals me away)… so sharing this oh so lovely engagement shoot with Sean & Lina, before I get to share their wedding highlights next time. We met at Berrima town, down in the Southern Highlands before we headed to Penrose State Forest. I’ve been eyeing to shoot at this forest and happily Sean & Lina agreed it was a perfect location too. We had a great time exploring it together and just totally amazed how huge and all enchanting it was being there surrounded with such tall pine trees and ending our day with a glorious sunset. The road though was bit rough than we expected and caused bit car trouble for Sean but that didn’t ruin our day and these photos hopefully compensated for the adventure and memories we’ve made.

So smitten with how Sean & Lina love each other! 🙂

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