How was your weekend? Hope Monday is going to treat you all well.

In between my Mama duties, I’ve been catching up with editing, little blog revamps (just little really)  and write ups to update  my site. Way long overdue, I know right?. I’m also getting bored with my website look, aren’t you? hahah I might consider a new website look someday. Someday. For now, please bear with me okay? 😛

Just sneaking photos from Bryan & Kathy’s love session …oozing with fun! More to come! 🙂

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May 6, 2013
Tweeeen, they are Sandy's neighbors. I'm glad they found you over there :D Couldn't have chosen a better photographer!!! Let's work on the blogs and site. Yeah!!! Oi, did you get to listen to some of the songs from The Music Bed? Hahaha.

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