“I can conquer the world with one hand, as long as you’re holding the other.”
– Unknown

Quick peek from last weekend’s esession shoot …yes, I’m back shooting again…
and surprisingly, I survived not puking or anything of sorts in between (being 13 weeks preggo)! Hah!
It was super fun, even worth the mild back pains I nursed afterwards! =) More of these lovely two soon!

HMUA: Jacqueline Cheng

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February 28, 2012
OMG! jhoe! first time to be featured in a website ever!! sooooo grateful and happy you were a bit feeling well that morning! thank you for being patient with us and convincing us to conquer our fear (buti na lang closed! hahaha) of heights and water! You and brian are the best!!! =) We truly love your work!! Super super super happy! =) Let us have dinner soon okay? :) hugs to you and your little bump of joy! =)

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