How’s everyone coping amidst the #covid19 ?

All of our lives have been surely disrupted around the world evidently. And we all are heartbroken with every sad news. Some others will always have it worse than you and me. A painful reality.

My heart goes out to those who had been hit harder with this #pandemic and have lost lives. But we all will find courage in many ways to move forward. Let’s all do better to be even more kind to each other, in every possible way, stay hopeful, stay grateful, stay prayerful and if you get to stay home for a while, learn to appreciate the precious times to slow down and live life unhurriedly.

We are going to get through this TOGETHER. Never panic and keep perspectives right amidst these challenges. Endless Thanks and praying for everyone in the frontlines battling this pandemic. 🙏

Stay safe, think of others’ safety and keep healthy wherever you are. x


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