2015-05-06_0087I’m having separation anxiety with this post. Because this highlights the 4th and last day from my travel together with Carlo & Astrid last November 2014. And I start to wonder when can I ever go back. (will someone please hire me and bring me again to japan even if i’m already in australia! onegai!!!!)

We went about our day like usual, a lot more care-free and just having heaps of fun while walking along side streets, befriending Nara’s famous “Bambi” deer family, eating cold matcha ice cream in the cold weather, joining the madding crowd at Kiyomizu temple until sundown, getting lost trying to find Philosopher’s walk, ending our 4th night experiencing videoke sessions the japanese way (shout out thanks to friend Jacq who lived from Kobe but made time to meet us), until that last day of food trippin’ in Osaka’s entertainment district in Dotonbori.

Sadly, we parted ways on our 5th day due to my limited time, since I needed to go back to Singapore while Carlo & Astrid were off to discover Tokyo for themselves. But it’s been a soul-satisfying trip! Thanks again to Carlo & Astrid for bringing me along with you to document a part of your anniversary celebration! I’ll sure cherish all those laugh trips in between and will always miss travelling in Japan with you both!


If you missed the other posts, click on Day 1Day 2, and Day 3. 🙂

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