Wow! January is more than half way done!!! Never too late to put this up!

And not feeling sorry really for the lack of social media updates here in the blog while being occupied with life priorities since our big move in the Coast 6 months ago. Since having my inlaws around too who are visiting for 3months (from the Philippines), we’ve spent more family priceless times, countless beach days and recently, we got a new puppy at home last Christmas granting Pixie’s long time wish (and mine too!), that has undoubtedly filled our lives with so much furry-cuteness, many little rewarding moments and joy.

It’s just heartbreaking at the same time that the rest of Australia is still going through bush fire season since Sept 2019 and had been very devastating to many homes and unimaginable number of wildlife deaths & injuries. We had a nearby threat around November here in the Central Coast but thankfully the Gospers Mountain fire threat has now been officially contained. And Thank Heavens for answered prayers recently for the huge rain that finally came!!!We remain not complacent and always alert still and praying earnestly as we live being grateful each day.

While the rest of us move on with our lives, there’s still so much grief out there especially the ones greatly affected whose lives will never be the same but as a community, we can remind each other there’s always HOPE for everyone. I’ve been an on-going supporter to the AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS since 2 years ago (as a birthday advocacy) and we’ve also donated a little of what we have to WIRES Wildlife Rescue & the NSW RFS. It doesn’t matter how much amount we give, it all becomes a ripple effect when everyone takes part. So donate any amount you can. And when you can’t donate financially, there’s always a simple deed one can share. Again, a massive THANK YOU to the many amazing heroes who dedicate their lives to keep many of us safe now in our homes with our families.

Looking back now at my 2019, I’m grateful to all of you who have trusted me and continue to support what I’m always very passionate about. And wow, it’s been actually a decade since I’ve chosen this path and left my engineering career to be a Full time Mama and a Wedding &  Lifestyle Photographer. This journey would have never been made possible without Brian who supported our family’s dreams alongside me while I build up my own little photography business. The journey wasn’t ever perfect at all but it’s been very fulfilling and it got me to where I am today.

So how is 2020 going to look like for my photography?

Well, I’ve personally accepted only very limited bookings for the year for more family priorities (maybe a 2nd pregnancy if it happens?) but as of this writing, I’m not pregnant yet. 🙂 And as this new year unfolds with God’s grace and blessings, I look forward to always creating love and life stories through the images I can take and build lasting memories. And as always, I wish that we all embrace the goodness in every day – living simply, choosing love and positivity despite whatever battle we go through in between and always always always just enjoying the small things.

Sharing some of my 2019 favorites….

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