just a quick update on my travel schedule. i was supposed to fly back again to Cebu sooner this month but due to sudden changes of plans and important matters to prioritize, i’m staying put in Singapore for at least until October (maybe). and hopefully, I’m in Cebu the entire December. Do keep posted on my website whatever goes.

i sure am feeling the August rush though. in between client shoots on most of my weekends, i’m ping-pong-ing motherhood duties and parenting the growing demands of a toddler. oh, such a feat i tell you. any full time parents know what i’m saying exactly. but despite that, motherhood has taught me countless & grateful lessons so far. though as crazy & chaotic as it gets, i’m learning (and still learning) to let go of so many things out of my control. life’s a whole lot more exciting this way. and everytime i thrive day after day, it’s rewarding enough to know i got to a point where i stand now. this very second. as i type this while listening to bossa nova over sky.fm in itunes.

tomorrow’s another day. there’s always brighter things ahead. even when you feel like so drained.

2014-08-08_0004some random photos of one of my fave shop lanes in Singapore. and while i’m out shooting lately, this new rolling camera bag is making me soooooooo back-pain-free (thank you THINK TANK!) and it’s feeding the wanderlust cravings in me, coz it feels like i’m about to head to the next airport. 🙂

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blue elephant photography
August 12, 2014
Ahhh I love that bag ~ Let's be adventurers! Cheers to more adventures!
August 12, 2014
Is stephen's lens in there? promise you won't sleep until i've posted my blog about RPS.
October 24, 2014
I just went to haji lane last weekend, so pretty! Have fun Jo, hope to meet you one day :) Will be home for Christmas, too!

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