2015-05-30_0002I can’t possibly pick a favorite from all the weddings I have already documented. That’d be really unfair right? 😛 But I’m going to just put it this way — this wedding was really one for the books, soooo much memories to miss!!! This might be one of my longest post to date yet,too — sooo hard to trim down which photos to put up, so bear with the loading time while you later scroll down.

The day started beautifully as perfect as the way the sunrise hovered over the rolling hills of Tagaytay. And in case you missed my last preview post, I talked about how the amazing groom and hero doctor, Dakky, planned most of the beautiful details. And oh Niña?, the ever beautiful Niña. I could photograph her all day long until my fingers hurt. Her infectious smile and sweetness reflects her beautiful soul inside out. I fondly call both of her and Dakky my girl and boy crushes now! 🙂

As the rest of the wedding day unfolded, I couldn’t help but feel how much I’m already going to miss them all — I felt so much love, coziness and warmth surrounding Dakky & Niña, that documenting the entire day also felt we were all part of a one big, genuinely nice, happy family. Both their parents and siblings were equally the kindest and we had shared a good laugh in between.

Dakky and Niña, I’m beyond grateful you picked me to photograph one of the momentous day of your lives. It makes my heart swell everytime I look back at these photos now (and just laugh about the fact how I fell sick after your wedding!). See you soon when you visit me in Australia..You have another reason to spend an anniversary vacation perhaps? I beg of you, please!!! 🙂

Main Photographer: Josephine Sicad Photography | 2nd shooter: Jeff Garban of Salt & Bleach  | Videography: Joel Salindong | Prof Make up Artist: Precious Medina | Hair Styling:Isabel Escobal | Wedding Preparations: Discovery Country Suites, Tagaytay Philippines | Ceremony: Chapel on the Hill, Tagaytay Philippines | Reception: Sonya’s Garden, Tagaytay Philippines | Event styling, Caterer & Decors: Town’s Delight | Event Coordination: Ruby Anne Ines of Celebrations Events Specialists | Florist: Clint Carl Flower Shop | Emcee: Bien Rivera



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June 3, 2015
i like how the pictures look so raw and true tweeen. both words even rhyme to support my claim. aren't we? hahaha. but really, i would not be where i am had it not for your photography. thank you for tagging me along on this one and the many more weddings we are going to shoot some day soon. #hugyawpamore
Niña Fajardo-Pascasio
June 4, 2015
If we had to do it all over again, we wouldn't change a thing. We'd still choose you. When Dakky showed me your website, I said yes in a heartbeat and without a doubt "let's get her!" I'm so glad Dakky found you and you said yes!! haha Thank you for travelling all the way to see us and for capturing the heartfelt emotions on our big day. Thank you for the amazing time and laughter we shared together. Puhon! Someday, we'll meet your little Pixie too when we come and visit you down under - not so soon, but believe me, it's going to happen! We wish you and your family all the best! Love, Nins & Dakky

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