dearest pixielove,

summer’s gone here in Sydney and we terribly miss our beach trips but autumn holds so much wonder, it’s your Mama’s next favorite season so i made sure you get to bask in all the glorious beauty of what autumn naturally brings. i’m so grateful our first autumn adventure here in Australia was definitely one for the books! and i can’t wait for next year’s autumn (and the years to come) when we definitely can go drive soon to a lot more exciting places!

you’ve been my best adventure…ever!

at 3 years, 8months old lately, i’m very proud to see how simply you enjoy the small things, too — i love how you never want to miss kissing and hugging your Papa, even when you are still half-asleep in our mornings before Papa heads out to work. and how cute whenever you stand up near the window so you can see & wave bye too as soon as you see your Papa at the gate and shout, ‘I love you, Papa!”. I wish those moments were captured in photos or better yet, in a video, nevertheless, they were the kind of moments I bottle up inside my heart to keep and all mine forever. I promise you, I’ll tell you these stories by the time you need to hear them, too.

well, not all days are peachy…as much as we are happy to see you grow magically before our eyes, our parenting skills with your Papa have been definitely stretched out in unimaginable ways and put to the test since you reached toddlerhood. i know every parent certainly goes through this. it can be sometimes crazy, finding best ways how to understand your own feelings whenever you demand something or just purely blowing out your steam. But one thing i’ve learned so far, was not always giving in to what you want, no matter if you are crying out loud in the middle of the mall or the playground. because i had to be firm in saying ‘No’ when I meant ‘No’. So you understand , in the right time, how life sometimes never go the way we want them to. By the time you finally calm down from a meltdown, you may see me looking so angry or disappointed but my heart breaks inside into pieces whenever you realised what happened and say in tears, “I’m sorry, Mama.” I (in deep breath) …always forgive you, every single time. I hope you forgive me,too.

i’m a firm believer that all lessons in life are truly just all around us..and teaching us in every way..if only we can appreciate it more. so i thrive daily to share these lessons to you and together we both can learn from whatever life throws at us. all our seemingly mundane days are just perfectly turned into bittersweet but genuinely beautiful memories.

You ….are my one wild, free spirited child, and I’m so so achingly proud that you are.

wildly loving you always,

Here are some bits and pieces over the past weeks of our homeschooling days & adventures in photos…

How cute it is always whenever we practice writing …especially your name. You told me, “Mama, see I can do it myself. I’m a big girl!”

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Shine bright, my darling…shine bright!
DIY-ing play-dough engages you in endless hours…
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One time we harvested just one small red tomato from our lil kitchen garden… and happily ate it together in our omelette for breakfast!
2016-05-18_0012 2016-05-18_0013 I’m so in love that you are growing as much as in love too with our little kitchen garden at home. well you don’t eat the fresh salads yet, but i’m glad you take them in your smoothies.
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New greens in the family added..silver beets & lettuce… 🙂 They grow too many for us we had to share them to our neighbors! 
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Some days when the weather calls for it, we take naps just right off the backyard. This photo was taken during that one time after we had ukelele sing-along, biking and grocery errands done for the day. I’m glad I took photos to remind us of this wonderful day.

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Some mornings you just run around like that…while I finish some laundry or mow the backyard.

Well, what best to do with autumn leaves?

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Life is…really really short.
Those autumn leaves we brought home lightened up the dining on one gloomy day.
Baking cookies is always our favorite thing.


And here’s a work-in-progress.. my lil creative space lately on a lil corner of our lil home…On the laptop, i indulged reading @mulberrymagazine (a great source for homeschooling inspiration) and meanwhile you were watching #Netflix‘s #PlanetEarth Series where I hear you throw out words like “What’s happening?”, “Wow!”, “Amazing”, “Oh my goodness, Mama..the shark ate the seal!!!” 😂😂😂 

Your shirt here says, “Life is beautiful.” Oh yes, and so are you, my love.

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May 19, 2016
These are so wonderful Tweeen. It took me quite sometime to open this link because I don't want that warm fuzzy feeling inside. It makes my eyes watery. Hahaha.

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