Yes, it was intense. That autumn sunset pierced out through the dark gloomy clouds. And would you even imagine that on the opposite sky was even darker — like a big bucket of rain is being held before it decides to pour out. It sure was what I could call a lovely miracle of a day.

I drove to the ever charming wedding venue at the Somerley House (in the Southern Highlands) that morning seeing how sunny it’s going to be but suddenly the winds changed towards the ceremony time in the afternoon and got more chilly — we all prayed out loud and I sure prayed harder silently — and the Heavens heard us! Prayers do wondrous things for sure! Not only did the rain held up until ceremony was done, we were delighted with a double rainbow appearance! The rain started pouring just in time for the reception party indoors and we all felt beyond blessed.

A hugeeee congratulations to Greg & Anthea again! Your journey together has been very inspiring! You both have been super wonderful and kind to me too! Every inch of me is really beyond grateful. ♥️


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