I’m at it again — out of words these days or just not in the right mindspace to write more…and I have still a thousand and more images buried in my hard drives waiting to see the light of day.

Motherhood has just always filled my days and I’m grateful for all the good & bad days that come along with it. But forgive me for my “social media negligence” (again and again), if there’s such a  thing. Even the thought of hiring someone just to update my blog came across my mind. (oh no, i cant afford that!) LOL.

But I rather keep it real.

“Mama, can I have some cuddles again?” When you have someone asking for that constantly, you drop the thought of sitting longer infront of the laptop and roll in the bed instead with your kid right? Some days that easily happens (most of our mornings) and some days I feel guilty refusing to Pixie because the laundry & dishes could pile up too, or I have an email to reply to, or deadlines to meet or something to mail out and print.

If you’re new to my blog or just found out about my photography, I have been a full time homeschooling Mama and a (part time) wedding & lifestyle photographer since 2012 (when Pixie was born). I only shoot mostly on weekends (rarely I accept bookings on weekdays) and that what has worked for our lifestyle so far since I left my full time job in 2011 and became a Mama to our daughter Pixie who is now 6. Me and Pixie have been very lucky to have Brian, my husband, working hard with his full time engineering job. Of course, it’s not been all rosy days at all but we have endured life together and that’s what really matters in the end. Maybe if I go back working on a 9-5 job, we could have practically built our savings faster but some financial sacrifices I’m willing to take and make it all worthwhile being able to do what I love doing now and be in this homeschooling journey with Pixie.

This year 2019 is also looking pretty thrilling yet nerve wracking too and I’ve been praying for new changes to fall into place soon. And amidst the sad news we hear and read in the feeds these days across the world, we still do what we can and wake up as grateful and hopeful everyday to embrace life as it comes.

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