2015-10-18_0026my dear Pixie,

though how crazier your out of the blue meltdowns have become these past few days, that one time (my first time) i sank on the couch and even silently cried out of my wit’s end, it still doesnt change the way how much i feel happiest at the same time whenever you jump at me and say ‘Its cuddle time! i love you Mama’.

Oh my lil pixielove, if you only knew, Your wild loving soul fills mine with so much more.

loving you crazy,
2015-10-18_0001Just sharing some photos of our beach trips lately… 2 succeeding weekends of photos actually so i hope i don’t keep you jealous or anything just because i crave too much of the beach during winter that finally, warmer days are ahead of us and no where else i know best to spend it at but by the sea. And for the record, it was the very first time we dip ourselves into these Australian waters — and boy, how coooold it was despite how sunny the day was but that’s not stopping me at all. I learned after taking that brave dip, your body gets used to the cold anyway so yeah, im officially addicted! it’s actually very refreshing, too!

So that 1st weekend of October, a heatwave was forecasted, we rode off by ferry to Manly again but we know how crowded it would be at the main Manly beach so we tried to check out Shelly Beach, which was a little farther down the coastline where we decided to also grab our late lunch at the Boathouse. Shelly Beach was nice but it would have been nicer maybe not on weekends with lesser crowd. The sands weren’t as pretty fine like Bondi’s but the water was as sparkling. We then reunited with a family friend for a catch up and glad Pixie enjoyed playing with the kiddos before they left ahead of us.

2015-10-18_00022015-10-18_00032015-10-18_00052015-10-18_00062015-10-18_00072015-10-18_00082015-10-18_00092015-10-18_00102015-10-18_00112015-10-18_00132015-10-18_00142015-10-18_00152015-10-18_00162015-10-18_00192015-10-18_00212015-10-18_00222015-10-18_00232015-10-18_00242015-10-18_0025The next weekend after, we ventured to Bronte beach — I got captivated by the whole beauty of it. Really, who wouldn’t be? It might be my top favorite now knowing that there’s a secluded rock ocean pool beyond the big waves where Pixie can endlessly have fun and we can wade all we want.

I wasn’t kidding when i posted before that you’ll be seeing loads of beach photos from me. I already have a beach list in Sydney ready where to go next and explore! But if you have favorites too, feel free to share! 🙂

Happy week ahead! 🙂


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October 19, 2015
there goes our seagull again :) tweeen, ni ingon napud pixie, "let's go ocean mama!"
November 23, 2015
Hi Miss Josephine, Saw ur photos on your website. How much is it? For prenup photos?

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