“I pushed myself. I learned something.
I instilled a new passion to continually raise the bar
and to accept that falling back is part of the game.
It’s how you pick yourself back up that really matters.” 
– K.Hampton 

I woke up really really early today and decided to make some not-so-drastic but hopefully helpful changes in my daily workflow. I needed to break out from the unhealthy routine I’ve been doing for the passed days and what better way to start it with a warm shower right away at 7am before I even sit infront of my desktop. There’s a memo in my dreamboard now indicating my own self-imposed office hours. Hah! Yes, you heard me and I know it sounds silly but I realized I have got to find ways to keep myself away from too much distractions. Even if I’m no longer reporting to a corporate office, I wanted to treat my bedroom not just THE bedroom. Ya know what I mean? Because working from home is sooo great, but too great sometimes one can get off track easily with time. I’ve been loving this little corner in our room, it’s my holy portal to the rest of the world – where I do my happy edits, my blogging and whatnot. So I hope this is a good sign of me being a little bit responsible again. Thank you Universe for the wake up call! 😛

And want to hear another interesting story? Aside from pouring out salt, when I thought it was sugar on my cooked lunch today (who else does that?), believe it or not, I made a breakthrough in….*hear this non-sense out and don’t get too shocked!*…cleaning the toilet! Hah!

In fact I feel like putting a star on the calendar just because! 😛 It’s not like I haven’t done it ever before — it’s just been a long time since the last time I did it though. So I think I’ve made the husband proud (‘It’s a miracle!’ he said) and in fact, I wanted to call my mama just to tell her that, I bet she’d be a lot more proud I can already hear her boisterous laugh! 😛

Ooooh please cut me some slack. I’m not that brat kid that you think I am. Really. I grow up with no household help at home at all. So I certainly know how to do the chores (except folding my clothes that I will never want learn to love! boo!). But when you have an older sister who is like a saint like mine, you feel luckier. Heheh Thank you big sister! I’m starting to miss her now that she’s been living away from us in Canada. I hope to visit you soon Inday! Say, next year? 😛

So what’s the point of this post?  Exactly that. Breakthroughs are supposed to be recorded, that’s how they make it to every history book ya know! 😛

And hey! just when I thought I’m done for the day, I had the time to hit an 8km run,too. Although running alone has not been easy but I was glad there’s always that beautiful sunset that cheered, I could hear it yell at me ‘glad you made it today, Jhoe!’

Photo above is a mini-kombi I bought from Sta.Monica,CA last July. I fall soo in love with mini-stuff! My dearest friend Bevlee would sure love this too. ♥

Today’s intagram fave:

now & then is forever lurv! i wanna get inside the movie and go bikin’ with the girls! ♥

My Thursday music trip: ‘Who loves the sun?’ by Velvet Underground

Holy sushi! I’ve been talking writing too much! Two blogposts in a day. Yey!
Happy Thursday!

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September 16, 2011
where dya get that thing above?? love it to bits.. reminds me of surfing.. and how i tumbled with the waves.. hurting myself with the rocks, but didn't really feel it because i was one with the sun, the waves, and my mind.. peace. love....
    September 16, 2011
    @Shutterfairy: Mai, got it in Sta Monica :) lingawa lagi nako ana! :)

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