“Love who you love while you have them. That’s all you can do. Let them go when you must.
If you know how to love, you’ll never run out.”
— Ann Brashares


Meet Dwight & Rose.

I knew Dwight back in town since we’ve been neighbors where I grew up in Cebu. Our families practically know each other and we’d normally see everyone on Sunday’s church mass. When he messaged me to ask if I could be their photographer, it was a delightful thing and timely because I was bound to also go home to visit Cebu anyway so why not. It was then my first time to meet the petite and cheerful, Rose.

So on a a Saturday morning, they picked me up from home. We drove around Beverly Hills, Cebu and stopped by when I saw this lovely light and a wonderful brick wall.

I love asking couples how they met. There’s always that different glow in their eyes when they start sharing their stories.  And here, Rose was all natural when I asked her, “Give me that ‘look of love’, Rose.”

Only those who are truly in love do silly things to each other. True to that! =)

Saw a rustic gate along the road —my kinda of perfect spot. =)

Oh yes, we had all giggles in between.

What better way to seal that day with a sweet kiss.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!

Feel free to play the slideshow below and turn on the music. *wink*

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August 16, 2011
cute♥ love the slideshow and music too! :)
August 16, 2011
Tweeen, you always surprise me :D

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