Did you miss Part 1? Well you shouldn’t so feel free to click back on the previous post first before reading on. And when you’re done, you know now where to go next. *wink*

So while sitting usually on the backseat of the car, I kept telling Jeff while he’s driving around how amazed I was that the sky in San Jose is so different out there — it truly looked like it’s just an arm’s reach away – I could embrace it for all I care. No kidding. Maybe because there’s a lot more of that ‘countryside feel’ in San Jose compared to L.A or elsewhere I’ve been to, no skyscrapers or sorts. I love seeing mountains and hills after hills, if only we had enough time, we would have gone hiking somewhere. Jeff promised we will though when I come back next time. Ain’t that right, Jeff? And the grasses? — I see them in gold. I don’t want to sound so silly but to shoot in fields of gold was another dream location for me — and so imagine how I felt when there I was, finding myself surrounded with ’em I could drown from being too overwhelmed.
Well, it was going sundown when we head up to the mountains. Brrrr. I remember how cold it was that time somewhere below 18° C (yeah that’s already making me shiver) or even colder. Despite that, we grabbed jamba juice & togos sandwiches on our way for some little happy snacks before we started the photoshoot. Oh speaking of jamba, I wish they come over to open a branch in Singapore anytime soon to feed my cravings.

After the happy burp, next best thing to do is lie restfully on the grass. Hahah. I’m kidding. 😛

I must have squealed inside my head when we were there …’The hills are alive……the hills are alive!!!!” 😛 I swear, if there wasn’t any wild deer as I was warned, I would have ran around like crazy. Oh yeah.

Remind me again this isn’t some favorite movie scene…because I am really feeling that giggle now.

So I have this obsession with maps and globes. And it’s just adorable to use it for the photoshoot knowing how Jeff and Jehanne had literally gone through & happily survived the long distance love affair when they started. And finally, they can now travel and build new adventures together.

I should probably mention,too that Jeff has a great-The-Knack-kind-of-voice! No kidding at all! I should know, I heard him rocked out ‘My Sharona‘! Hehe

And now for a sweet kiss….

So where’s the honeymoon going to be? Wouldn’t it be so fun to just play spin and point randomly in the globe where you’re heading next?
Oh, that marvelous tree. I miss you,too.

Early in the morning, we were actually at another old but repainted barn — and it was just perfect!

Hello, pretty! Jehanne did her own make up and hair-curls. Fab!

Laugh out loud, we did!!!

And I never did want to miss out shooting in a freeway — so just around the next few blocks from Jeff’s home, I took few shots of them right there  — ignoring all the cars that passed us by… good thing there wasn’t too much traffic at that part of the road, and when you’re lucky like us, not even a police car came by. I was ready for my ‘puss-in-boots-kinda-look’ otherwise.

So after that thrilling time at the freeway, we chased off sunset back into the mountains. And hooray, we got lucky again!

I wasn’t so sure what these flowers were (were they even flowers?). I was sad to know if these were dandelions because I’ve never seen a real , not dried up, one yet. I would have given it a happy blow ya know.

Can I just screammmm at you how I loveeee California’s sunset???? I was crazy excited to capture their silhouettes!

It was one of those cherished tranquil moments I’ve ever imagined…. time stood still and it was way lovelier to look at a sunset like this…with two kindred souls up there, together, Jeff and Jehanne, truly happy and in love.

Happy Tuesday!
Feel free to play the photoclip below and turn the music on!

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August 31, 2011
Oh they just completely rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially the ones against the sunset! You are one amazing lady! x
    August 31, 2011
    @Rachael: uber thanks sweetie! xxx
August 31, 2011
Love it.. The light there is different. I don't know what makes it different.. It just is.. Many back logs pa?
    August 31, 2011
    @Shutterfairy: ooooh true that Mai! there's something different with the light there...and oh the sunset is glorious there for silhuettes gyuuuuud hihi :) uuhm yes, a few more backlogs nalng hihi
January 3, 2012
these photos are amazing, nicely captured. I fall in love with your photography instantly. I love them! gorgeous blue skies and dreamy sunset :)

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