I have barely less than 6 weeks to prepare for a 21km marathon goal that I’ve signed up and these twists & turns in my stomach that I feel now tells me I’m not ready yet. I kept planning to wake up earlier every morning again so I can go for a sunrise run which is the only better time I can spare for myself  but that’s become a daunting task more often.

Anyway, I’ve managed to check off more items on my lengthy to-do list right after the Easter long weekend holidays where we spent camping for 3 nights. The holidays were always not enough obviously but at least we got to spend a lot of beach time again with family and friends despite horrible traffic on the way back home.

While I’m trying to organize myself and the mountain of things I need to get done, here’s a happy fun engagement session with Karl & Aissa. We met only the day of our shoot while they’re just visiting Sydney (from the Philippines). Though it may seemed like too quick but we shared a sweet memorable time exploring and enjoying the harbour views. Thanks again Karl & Aissa for having me — loads of fun getting to know both of you, too! xx

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