I sure love driving to the Blue Mountains almost every weekend during autumn season to photograph the changing hues. For many locals of course, that may easily be taken for granted but I grew up in a tropical country so seeing and living with an autumn season for the past 3 years now still is like a dream come true for me and something I look forward yearly.

And since it’s officially autumn season again (though I’m honestly still holding on to summer), here’s another  engagement session with Justin & Nina.

Hello again Justin & Nina. I sure miss these days with you guys. It’s brings happy memories all the time looking back at the images again and again.

Justin & Nina actually came from the same hometown in Cebu as I am so we hang out easily like we were just long time neighbors.

I keep forgetting to check out what the name of these amazing trees. Will take note when I get back again this season soon.

Some of these images may give you the idea that we have the whole garden for ourselves, but the reality of it, there were lots of locals & tourists wandering around too and enjoying as much as we did. So we just had to take turns and wait around when there’s a good spot for us.

How amazing to always find these explosion of red foliage!

So many postcard-frames I can snap out of this place!

Right when you think you’ve had enough sensory overload, you find yourself perfectly surprised with how glorious the yellow trees are, too!
I’m actually a fan of Japanese and Korean drama/films (when I get a chance to watch)  …and I enjoy them mostly because of their cinematography — they give me ideas too how I frame my images. And hey if that surprised you, other than dramas, i’m addicted to watching the ‘Chef’s Table too.

It’s hard to pick favorites from this set really but I love this exact moment when Justin looks at Nina. 
We planned to catch a sunset after strolling around the gardens but we caught a bit of traffic and almost missed it.

But lucky as we were, we had enough time to capture a few images to wrap up our day while the sun beautifully sets down.

You might wonder if I ever get tired of this place? Coz clearly if you noticed, I’ve been to this spot too many times to count now. But the feeling was always still the same like it was my first time being there.

And every couple I get to photograph there naturally falls in love with the place too.

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