I got barely 45mins to put this up while listening in the background ethereal sounds by SIGUR RÓS.

Actually, 45mins had passed and I went out to pick up Pixie from her gymnastics class. Obviously, my weekdays are filled mostly with our homeschooling routine as most of you know by now and in between that, I jumped into little chances I get to catch up on editing and blogging.

Sharing this set from Mark & Wendy’s engagement session finally.

We drove to the Hunter Valley Region , about 2hrs+ away from Sydney and took few mini stops to take some photos.

Meet Mark & Wendy.

We just keep it casual and easily hang out like old friends, while I snap photos in between. I prefer it more this way too so I can capture images that truly reflect the couple themselves.

Why were you laughing too much here again guys? I kinda forgot LOL

We were near the road at that time and a car drove by us screaming cheers to Mark & Wendy…

There was railway track that may have been inactive (or not?) but we took few photos there too anyway…

We drove further to a lovely estate with sweeping views of the mountains…to search for that big wooden swing!!! 🙂

Every child in us would always love to have a go on that swing — I did, too! 🙂 If I’d a house with a big tree, I definitely would want to put a big swing like this, too!!!

You think it was easy to go up and stand on a swing like that huh? Think again! 🙂

We found a lovely open field that was actually fenced but we took the liberty to open a gate that was actually unlocked anyway — for as long as no wild animals around, we’re good.

Wendy rockin’ that lovely red dress …

Mark being goofy as he always is. This still makes me laugh!!

Our last stop was a beautiful vineyard where we intended to find some food to eat as we were starving. Haha. Unfortunately, the cafe was not open anymore so Mark & Wendy actually endured the rest of the photos looking like ‘not hungry’ at all. 🙂

So much fondness on this roadtrip guys. Thanks for hanging out with me, too! 🙂

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