You must be wondering by now what has happened to that Loblograpy Singapore Challenge I posted few weeks ago?

Well, prepare to hear my dramatic misadventures. ๐Ÿ˜›

Meet the La Sardina.
That retro-looking-baby was given to each of the loblography challengers in different designs (see our group photo below) last Sept 17th. I got myself the El Capitan, baby! and Meerly (from Lomography Singapore) gave us about 3 weeks to take it all for a spin anyway we want.

By the look of our faces (look how silly I can be), we all were super excited to play around with it.

As indicated on the Loblography Challenge,
“During these 3 weeks, write about all your experiences on your blog, post your photos, and share your experience with your readers about your cool new toy โ€” just about anything you wish to share! The blogger who gets the most comments and likes and reblogs on a single post will win themselves a brand newย Lomo LC-A+ to keep forever! Only one with the most creative blog post out of the bunch will win away a La Sardina Camera!”

Well you know, here’s my story. But wait, this is NOT, I repeat, this is NOT my official entry post to the challenge yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

You wanna guess what happened first to my first roll of film? Blank. my heart sank.
And then, my 2nd roll? You’d think it gets better huh? Blank again. my soul died.

“Something’s really fishy is going on here!!!?”, so I thought. But by now, I bet any gypsy would probably predict that my future in Lomography isn’t too bright at all. Hahaha.

But don’t kill me why. It shouldn’t be an excuse that I’m sort of new to this but I made sure I read the instructions very well in the box.Really, I swear. Although, i know i’m really lousy at reading instructions sometimes. Boo! The husband helped me in figuring it out finally. While watching a tutorial video of how to use a La Sardina, the husband noticed that to be on a ‘shooting mode’, follow these instructions:

ย ย  1. Turn the lens anti-clockwise exactly 45 degrees (“you will hear a click’ sound”).
ย ย  2. Pull the lens tube all the way out.
ย ย  3. Turn the lens clockwise until you hear a ‘click’ again.

Well, that was the first thing on the manual you know. I read that. every word.But I must be the really silliest person in the world if no one had the same mistake as I did. I reaaaaaaly thought all along I followed those super easy instructions well, EXCEPT the last part. I didn’t turn the lens farther (because it did feel I didn’t have to) until I heard that holy click sound. *big pout*

You probably thought I’d quit then? Of course not. only if the 3rd film came out blank. Kidding. ๐Ÿ˜› My adventure was just getting all started now…the right way. ๐Ÿ˜› As soon as I received the 3rd roll of film last Tuesday 27th Sept, you can imagine how it felt like the rain just stopped and the skies started to clear out with me singing with Johnny Nash, ‘I can see clearly now the rain has gone….” Oh yeah. ๐Ÿ˜›

These are my first successful test shots, randomly just shot anywhere, taken with Fujifilm 35mm Superia400. Obviously, I have more things to learn and experiment more along the way — and announcement of winner will be on Oct 10th. I hope to blog about my official entry by Monday then — don’t know if that’s even enough time. Either way, I am just simply enjoying this to the hilt! You don’t know how every click thrills me out like never before! ๐Ÿ™‚

My challenge is to use the 35mm COLOR XPRO FILM. I don’t even know the difference yet but the samples in the lomo website are tickling my ears. I’m about to find out soon. ๐Ÿ˜›

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September 30, 2011
Oh man, two blank rolls would have broken my heart. Its a clunky little camera isn't it - very odd how you have to pull it out and twist it (I left mine open all the time in the end) but your photos turned out great in the end, definitely worth the perseverance. I'm looking forward to seeing your official post with the xpro - its a great film!
October 6, 2011
At least your third roll is fine!!! Looking forward to your official post already. What an experience!
October 21, 2011
=) I want to take my camera for a walk too!
October 29, 2011
Say thank you to your hubby!!! I had the same experience! My first roll went blank and I found your post and I got to hear the holy click too! Lol thank you :)
April 10, 2012
the same thing happened to me.. exactly same reason :-( now i know what to do! thanks for you and your hubby :-D
December 2, 2012
Hi!!! Thank you for sharing. The first time I used the camera, I came back two rows of film blank! I managed to get an exchange because the shutter was spoilt. Unfortunately, I just drew blank again on the new camera :( But this time, the shutter is working. I do hope my problem is the same as yours. It is killing me to have so many blank rolls :'(
January 15, 2013
Hi Josephine, I collected my photos yesterday from my very first roll of film, was super disappointed as they turned out really blur. I'm not sure if it was the setting that went wrong? Do you have any tips on how to shoot with a la sardina camera? Thanks!!
May 24, 2013
I had the SAME problem! Two rolls returned blank - one of which I took on vacation :( I will try making it 'click' after pulling out the lens and see if my third roll turns out :)
April 25, 2014
I'm so glad I read this. I couldn't figure out that click part on my own, which is funny, because after I read this, and watched the video, and tried it, I remembered that I had already been using it in its proper mode, because I was playing around watching the shutter open :) So here's hoping the shots I took before I realized I was possibly doing it wrong (but actually doing it right) actually turn out. Thank you! (I don't know if any of that made sense).

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