Oh, wow, it’s finally De-de-de-december!!! The coming weeks will be a bit of crazy-happy-busy-joggle for me. My last Chinese wedding shoot for this year happening tomorrow and 5-6 portrait sessions to go before the year ends. Universe, Thank you, more than ever, I made it this far of the year. Without breaking some bones or anything.

But really? It’s DECEMBER. It felt like I just squealed last October, if you could remember, about our much-awaited backpacking to Vietnam. Sadly, due to husband’s work getting in the way, the trip had to be cancelled last week. Well, okay, not really cancelled, rather postponed. It sure did break my heart. But not for long. I believed when something is taken out of you, Life always has better reasons why. Like when the day our trip got cancelled was the day Brian agreed to buy me, finally, my iPad. Hep hep! It felt timely having it on my 2 year milestone! 🙂

Fine, I admit, I sulked like that lil kid again having her tantrums for not getting an ice cream coz really, I was still feeling down postponing our year ender trip. But looks like I got myself distracted with the new toy now. So days got lil brighter ahead. And when it used to feel like I could live without the iPad which almost every neighborhood had, well, now I can’t! Because I love being able to easily showcase my work during client meetings now w/o bringing a heavy laptop. And oooooh, play chess while on a train ride. Thank you, Steve Jobs, Brian! *big grin from the spoiled wife*

And lookie!!! I got myself my own business pen, etched with my logo on it. Now there’s no way I could forget bringing a pen, could I? Next thing you know, I’ll wear my own logo shirt. I know it’s not like it’s a new idea. But crazy right? Why not! 😛
The day after tomorrow, I’m running my long waited first 42km marathon. Why do I get this sick feeling inside my stomach now thinking about it? Dear Lord, with so less sleep & training, will I ever survive?

Pray for me, will yah? I’m praying for everyone else too, especially for my friends, joining the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore this coming Sunday.

And more than anything, I wish your December will be blessed with so much Love and lots of exciting things,too!
Happy Friday!

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