Today this little lovely lady just turned 2. Happiest birthday to you dear lil Anna!

Every parent would feel nothing but just proud to see someone they care most grow into someone they could ever dream of that could bring countless joys into their lives. Sure, the challenges of raising a child of course comes with life-defining truths too but they’re all part of it and makes every journey worth every while.


Meet the Mirabile Family.

Truly grateful they decided to have me photograph their family photos this year when Lanie recommended  them to my work. So we picked a date before Anna turned 2 to capture enough memories for them together and document a happy milestone. It was also lovely to meet the rest of the family relatives who were able to join in between the photo session, too.

2015-10-29_00292015-10-29_00022015-10-29_00032015-10-29_00042015-10-29_00052015-10-29_00062015-10-29_00072015-10-29_00212015-10-29_00222015-10-29_00112015-10-29_00122015-09-28_00032015-10-29_00132015-10-29_00142015-10-29_00182015-10-29_00192015-10-29_00202015-10-29_00232015-10-29_00242015-10-29_00252015-10-29_00262015-10-29_0028With the loving grandparents of Anna…
One sure big happy family….

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October 29, 2015
LIke I told you Tweeen, yesterday, your photos always make my heart jump with joy. For it. On top of that, these looks like they were taken by an actual film camera.....
Yvonne Kristy
November 17, 2015
beautiful! :) jealous we don't have photos like these anymore :)

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