Last Saturday I received another email surprise. And it’s one of those BIGGEST surprise yet that made my jaws dropped down just like that. This time it’s an invitation from a fellow Filipino, who’s part of a group of mostly Filipino photographers — living in Rome. Yes, in Italy. Yes, that’s in Europe. and they want me to do a workshop for them!

Β I saw a lot of your pics. I really love them. Β Do you have plans of coming here in Europe?
If by chance you would pass by Rome, Β I would love to invite you and do a workshop for us.
Just let me know and i can organize a group of photographers for this.

Thank you so much and God bless you always.

So can I faint now?!? πŸ˜›Β You see, next to Japan (which was a dream travel come true last April!), I dream of Brazil. And next to Brazil, I dream of Europe (especially Prague, Verona, Spain, Greece & Switzerland). Whichever comes first. But I need to read back that email like, a million times over. Haha. πŸ˜› And I replied, with my heart skipping a thousand beats at a time, to ask if it was something really real? πŸ™‚

I got the reply afterwards and it was indeed true. How do I even let all this feeling sink in huh? πŸ˜›

It’s actually not the first invitation I got though (but it was first from Rome), randomnly I get a comment/email from those still starting out (or still planning) with their photography, asking me if I can do a little workshop for them. Truth be told, it’s a BIG DREAM yet for me. I do love to. Someday. But if you ask me, like NOW, I can’t even imagine the thought of giving a workshop yet — speaking in a crowd — with me having sort of stage frights. no, i’m not kidding. I dreaded the last time I gave a lil speech in grade schoool. I stuttered until no words came out of my mouth but instead, there on that stage was a 12 yr old sobbing infront of a microphone. πŸ˜› Now I have to ask myself if I’m even credible enough to give out a workshop in the first place? Am I? How can one with barely 2 years of photography experience yet can actually do a workshop? Will people even believe me?

And so I have those questions (and even more) battling my head. I took a deep breath. Really deep one and started composing those thoughts. Who doesn’t freak out and get too overwhelmed with this right? And then suddenly, it dawned on me. Is this one of the answer to my birthday wish – “I hope I can give back MORE to the Universe more than what it’s given me all these years.” So I replied to Fr. M that I’d sure love to drop by Rome someday now that I have more reason to. It will even give more meaning to my next dream travel soon. πŸ˜›

I know this might be far from happening yet but here’s to law of attraction. First of all, I’ve been dyin’ to shoot a client in Europe (Universe, hear hear!) but to be able to do a workshop at the same time is still an idea — may or may not come true to life. It’s still a dream waiting to be claimed in the not-so-distant-future. And it’s still a prayer waiting to be answered. And like always, I’m writing it all down because if God knows when if this can really happen one day, I’ll have this post to remind me how Life can constantly surprise us any day, any moment, any second and if you just see the ‘possible’ in the ‘impossible’, Paolo Coelho was never wrong, the Universe will always conspire. πŸ™‚

Here’s to believing & chasing bigger dreams! Happy Wednesday!!!

Photo above from an esession sneak peek I’m posting soon. πŸ˜›

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September 21, 2011
felt the happiness! :D true indeed your shots are more than ordinary images ... carpe diem!
September 21, 2011
Way to go Jo... I am sure Rome photographers/enthusiast will be very lucky with your presence and knowledge you may impart --- keep those dreams alive!!!
September 21, 2011
go go go!!! soon, basin dili ra taga Rome ang mo-invite. :)
September 21, 2011
Can I be your PR Consultant now??? hehe Or better yet your travel buddy & tour manager hahaha Way to go Ruki!
September 21, 2011
congratz Jhoe! =) woopey!
chichi abadingo
September 21, 2011
such happy news. no one else deserves this surprises than you. pwede ko mo bitbit sa imong maleta. hehehe
September 22, 2011
What a small world.. He owns my dream camera canon 5d.. He goes to places we dream of going...
September 24, 2011
@jalee: carpe diem likewise! :) tenchu!!! @cindy: so much thankul for the cheers! @drik: *crossing fingers fred!!!* @Bevlee: why not why not ahhahaah if maka afford nako pa sweldo nimo LOL thanks for always being there bev! mwah! @Sandy: wooopeyyyy too sands! let's chase some more dreams! :) @Shutterfairy: super glad you and Fr M are great friends..makes me feel really lucky to have known you all :)
Jenny Salvador
September 27, 2011
Go for it Jho! The Universe loves you! wishing you all the luck :)
September 29, 2011
congrats! and it would be awesome to be in one of your workshops someday!

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